photo © Russian Doll
This is the view from our guest room/music room/office. Multi-tasking room.
I've not been using the pc much at all this week! First it was Easter and we made that into a long weekend with a lot of us-time and a lot of DIY. The kitchen looks better now with the new floor but we still have some more work to do. Skirting boards, feature wall, cabinet for all my pretty kitchen things... :)
Then on Wednesday when the long weekend was over, we went on a road trip to the bottom of the country (5-6 hours in the car...) to one of my man's offices. I was allowed with him this time. I helped a bit: installing PCs, unpacking things. Then we had buffalo mozarella pizza in the hotel, slept, got up, breakfast buffet, work, car for 6-7 hours...home. Now it's Friday already!
cool picture